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June 15th 2024 we would like to welcome you to Tri an Mhi Standard and Sprint distances race to be held in the crystal clear waters of Lough Lene and the beautiful surrounding areas.

Standard Distance – Registration opens at 7am. Race Starts at 10am.  Entry €55.

Sprint Distance – Registration opens at 7am. Race Starts at 10:45am.  Entry €45.


For competitors who don’t have a full TI licence, you will need to purchase a ODM (One Day membership) via Triathlon Ireland – click here for the weblink to purchase. You have until the 2nd June to purchase.

NOTE: For a relay team – only 1 licence is required so if one of the team have a full TI licence they are covered, if not they will just need to purchase one licence which will cover the team

June 15th 2024 we would like to welcome you to Tri an Mhi Standard and Sprint distances race to be held in the crystal clear waters of Lough Lene and the beautiful surrounding areas.

Standard Distance – Registration opens at 7am. Race Starts at 10am.  Entry €55.

Sprint Distance – Registration opens at 7am. Race Starts at 10:45am.  Entry €45.


For competitors who don’t have a full TI licence, you will need to purchase a ODM (One Day membership) via Triathlon Ireland – click here for the weblink to purchase. You have until the 2nd June to purchase.

NOTE: For a relay team – only 1 licence is required so if one of the team have a full TI licence they are covered, if not they will just need to purchase one licence which will cover the team