St. Michael’s House invites you to Join
Our Virtual Race at your own Pace?
You decide – Your Distance, Your Location, Your Date, Your Ability, Your Goal!
Go It Alone or Register with friends for some social distanced fun!
- Complete Your Distance in 1 day from 1st – 30th June 2020
- Submit Your Finish Time via the PopUpRaces App
- Fundraise for our event project below or a Unit close to your heart using the following platform:
- You will receive a bespoke St. Michael’s House medal & name on leaderboard
- WIN!!!! Thanks to our friends in Supervalu – we have a €100 voucher for a lucky fundraiser.
All participant with over €150 raised will be entered into a draw on 10th July 2020.
All non unit-focused funds raised will directly support the development of a Communication Technology Resource Facility for children and adults with disabilities
About The Charity
St. Michael’s House provides a comprehensive range of services and supports to men, women, and children with intellectual disabilities and their families in 170 locations in the greater Dublin Area. It supports 1,936 people and this has an impact on thousands of family members. St. Michael’s House supports include; Residential supports and Independent living – Clinical supports – Day supports – Schools – Respite supports and Vocational training services. St. Michael’s House is committed to delivering services and supports based on the needs, wishes and choices of people with an intellectual disability, based in their communities and connected to natural support networks.
*Online Fundraising Only Please during this time
** Medals will be distributed by post by the end of July.
How to submit your Results:
Download the Pop Up Races mobile app and submit your results on the “Virtual Results” tab on the main menu