Irish Bling Hunters are hosting a number of virtual run/walk/cycle/treadmill challenges to suit all abilities. Choose any distance from 5k to 100k to do in your own time wherever suits you.
- Roadrunner 5k a day for the month of June
- 100km Deadpool Challenge
- I Smashed 100km with Hulk
- Unicorn 100km Challenge
- I can run all day 100k with Captain America
- Simpsons Mega Run Challenge
- Superman 5k
- Superhero Virtual Challenges 5k/10k – Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman
- Superhero Flash 5k/10k/ 21k
- Superhero Kids 1k/2k/3k or 5k
- 1000km Challenge
- Jack White’s Inn 5k/10k Challenge
Our charity partners are
- Saplings Special School for children with autism and learning difficulties
- Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin
- Barretstown
If you take a sponsorship card for any of these charities and raise a minimum of 130 euro it’s free to enter any challenge.
Once you’ve completed your challenge, send your details to irishblinghunters@gmail.com to claim your medal and/or t-shirt.